Welcome to my world kiddies, where things are always strange and fun. This isnt here to cover any one thing, but
everything in the world that think is worth-while. Isnt it great how i can do that since its my site? So if your
looking for stuff on just music, or just politics, go somewhere else. If your looking for stuff on everything stick
around, you just might be in heaven. Sit back, light up a smoke, and enjoy my world.
Now that we've gotten past all the basics, everything on this site comes from somewhere, but from where you might ask. The
content comes from a variety of sources: some I've written myself, some has been written by friends, and some has been contributed
by other Internet users just like you.
I hope you have fun. Be sure to send e-mail to let me know what you think, if
its good ill write you back if not then go to hell.Or you can contribute articles or ideas, and if i like them
ill put them on. That doesnt mean i have to agree with them, just like them. I'll be updating frequently, so check
back often!

Table of Contents January 4th, 2005
Allright so here's the deal, if you look up front there are a whole lotta links, they are there for you to use,
not for looks. In the interviews i have Raychel Driver, who lives in Georgia and is one of the coolest people i know,
so read it. It may not be meaningful but it will be fun. Reviews are gonna cover alot of music, movies, shows,
and so on and so on. In the articles page, your gonna find news and my opinions on it all, which could be good or bad
depending on how you feel. Its all the same to me though. And as for mailbag, take a wild guess. Thats all
for today kiddies, see ya around the world.
See this spot right here? This is gonna be a bio of sort for my site. Im gonna take people that i like and tell
you about them, kinda like a list of citizens in my world. Im not saying that if your not on here that your a wanker,
but if you are here, I think your worthy of public adoration. If you wanna be here, Email me.