right here your gonna find the people who are pretty much the government of my world, who work all the long hard hours
on this site to make it the monster that it is today. Well maybe monster isn't quite the word, maybe it should be more
like...............growing giant. That sounds good.
So lets get the party started. The attractive young sex symbol below is me (Spike). Im kinda like the president,
but with a better brain than the one you know as "W". I like walks on the beach, quiet time with my honey, holding hands...............okay
so anyway, i build, post, and sit around staring at walls. We all gotta be good at something.

favorite quote: "Bloody Hell"
Below is the pretty face / editor of the site, known to all as princess regina queen of the world. She's the one
who corrects my terrible use of the english word, listens to me complain, and lets me hit on her. Life is great when
your me and Regina. So she's pretty Vice president, but she might as well be in control cause all she has to do is say

Favorite quote: I love Gabe. Well not really more along the lines of "OY"
This is Raychel. She lives in GA and is the one who comes up with stuff and makes life easier, like an intern in
the non-monica sense of the word. But damn she's cool, and plus she's pretty smart. She also likes to listen to
me complain, and laughs at my stupid jokes. But from now on, unless your on the staff, you will call her Supreme High
Princess of Relations, cause if your nice she's cool, and if your not she will whip up on your ass like its going out of style.
And it just might be.

Favorite Quote: Too many to say but probably "bite me" or "no Spike for the last time your not my boyfriend"